Thomas Paine Sixth Form Invite Young Adults to Evening of Post-18 Advice

19th Dec 2022
On Thursday 26th January from 6-8pm, Thomas Paine Sixth Form at Thetford Academy host an evening of specialist talks by guest speakers to give young adults all the information they need to decide what to do once they turn 18.
They encourage young adults of all ages, whether they attend Thetford Academy/ Thomas Paine Sixth Form or not, to come along to get a better understanding of their options. The event is free to attend and there is no need to book in advance.
The topics covered will include:
- Higher Education Opportunities
- Why Choose University?
- Why Choose Apprenticeships/Internships?
- Competitive Applications/Oxbridge
- Study Abroad
- Super Curricular Activities/Personal Statements
- Student Finance
- Student Accommodation