The Sixth Form Day

The typical sixth form day runs from 8.30am to 4.00pm and includes six 1 hour lessons, form time, lunch and a break. 

You will receive your timetable when you start with us. Your day will be a mixture of taught lessons, tutor and mentoring activities, independent and supervised study sessions and enrichment activities. Students are expected to study independently for each subject, which will include completing work that is set, revising from notes, or doing further reading.

The move to sixth form is all about you starting to take responsibility for your own
studies, your choices and your future. We encourage you to be more independent - but
we will also be on hand to support you when you need it.

At Thomas Paine Sixth Form, there are several areas for quiet study or if your timetable for the day doesn't include lesson time, you are welcome to leave the site to revise at home. 

Form Group & Tutorials

All students at Thomas Paine Sixth Form belong to a Form Group. You will have the support of a form tutor and will have weekly tutorial lessons which follow a specialised programme. These lessons will focus on a range of topics including,  learning about study skills, university, and apprenticeship applications. 

You will also learn about  issues linked with well-being and becoming an adult and we will equip you with an appreciation for the communities and wider-world in which we live.

As part of form time, you will also have regular one-to-one with your tutor giving you a chance to talk about how you are getting on, your attendance and any concerns or celebrations you may have.