Subject Information


Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care is a subject for people who like to know how we can care about the different people that live in our society and how we can provide the best levels of care for all.  Health and Social Care also gives us insights into the human body and how it works, how sometimes it has malfunctions and how a nutritious diet impacts on a person's mental and physical state.

What will I study?

There are six parts to Health and Social Care. You will study:

1. Principles of Health and Social Care (Exam)

2. Person-centered approach to care (Coursework)

3. Anatomy and Physiology (Exam)

4. Nutrition (Coursework)

5. Supporting people with Mental Health conditions (Coursework)

6. Supporting people with long-term physiological conditions (Coursework) 

What can I do with Health and Social Care?

People who study Health and Social Care go on to a range of courses in the future, including university degrees in nursing, social work, mental health, and many others. 

What are the entry requirements?

If you are doing Level 2 H&SC you need to get a Level 2 Pass Grade.

If you are not doing Level 2 H&SC then you need to get a Grade 5+ in Science.

Course Specification

OCR Cambridge Advanced National (Level 3 AAQ) Extended Certificate.


Health and Social Care Level-3 Curriculum