Our Careers Programme

At Thomas Paine Sixth Form we are committed to preparing you for your future and empowering you to reach your academic and personal potential. You will begin preparing for your next steps from the moment you arrive at Thomas Paine Sixth Form.

We work in partnership with the Norfolk Higher Aspirations Scheme (HAS). Partners of HAS also include Oxbridge, University College London and Norwich University of the Arts. These organisations offer a wealth of information and provide a range of opportunities, including interview preparation, trips and visits.

Open Days

We run visits to the University of East Anglia, and to Oxbridge universities. In addition, we are happy to support you attending open days at other universities.

Work Experience

As part of your sixth form experience you will complete work placements in a sector related to your own aspirations. The precise format and timing of this will depend on what is most suitable for you, and you will develop a personalised programme of work experience with your personal tutor. We use Unifrog which is a comprehensive careers platform and placement tool to also help you to gain work experience. 

Careers Programme

You will have access to careers advice throughout your time with us. Our Careers Advisor and academic team mentor students with regards to future aspirations. We offer advice and guidance on careers and higher education in Year 12, followed by expert assistance in preparing your university/apprenticeship applications in Year 13 or taking your first steps into work. We organise regular careers events, with guest speakers from a variety of sectors, and workshops on applying for jobs, managing your finances and advancing your career.

Thomas Paine Conference Sessions take place once a week for an hour and enables a range of content to be covered from both internal and external providers on topics including effective independent study, careers, academic literacy, finance and PSHE among others. 

For more information, please contact our careers team below or phone the office at 01842 754875.

Read our Provider Access Policy